Hibernation Happy Hour
Sponsored by the Social Committee
Thank you to all the neighbors who came out for our Annual Hibernation Happy Hour.
Operation Clean Sweep
Sponsored by the Beautification Committee
Thank you to all of the neighbors who participated in our 4th annual Operation Clean Sweep. We appreciate the efforts of the Beautification committee for organizing our event for the last 4 years. Once again the Murdock Avenue Starbucks provided coffee to energize our volunteers. Many thanks to their crew. |
Earth Day and everyday is an opportunity to enhance where we live, work and play by picking up litter and debris from areas around our homes and in our neighborhood.
Popcorn in the Park
Sponsored by the Social Committee
Slow Roll #2
Thank you to all of the neighbors who participated in this unique event.
Neighborhood Night Out
Sponsored by the Safety Committee
Our thanks to the Oshkosh Police and Fire Departments, Hot Dog Charlie, and Mark & Susie's Piggly Wiggly for helping to make the evening a success.
MBNA Honors OPD and OFD
The Millers Bay Neighborhood Association Safety Committee presented appreciation plaques to Dean Smith, Chief of Police, and to Fire Chief, Tim Franz. We realize the important and often dangerous work Oshkosh police and fire personnel do for us and appreciate all that they do to keep us safe. |
In his remarks, Police Chief Smith, thanked Oshkosh citizens for making him feel welcome and spoke of the importance in keeping the lines of communication open. Fire Chief Franz introduced the firemen of Station 18 that service our neighborhood. He then handed the plaque over to be hung in Station 18.
Holiday Celebration
Sponsored by the Social Committee
Best Front Door
Larson Family
1608 Menominee Drive
1608 Menominee Drive
Old Fashioned Christmas
Swanson Family
1620 White Swan Drive
1620 White Swan Drive
Most Stupendous Lighting Display
Stuedemann Family
1906 Menominee Drive
1906 Menominee Drive
Winners will receive a $50 Chamber of Commerce gift certificate.
A special thanks to our host and hostess, Dr. John and Patty Lorfeld, for an evening of caroling, holiday spirits, and good cheer.